Looking for a simple and delicious meal to make using any greens you have available? Enjoy this delicious Foundational Five Eggs, Beans, and Greens Nourish Meal.
The Nutrition Stripped community has loved nourishing bowl recipes since we first shared them in 2014 because they’re so nutritious, versatile, and delicious.
Eggs, beans, and greens nourish meal is as simple as it sounds but with a dressing that makes it all come together using our go-to Creamy Zesty Shallot Dressing or any homemade vinaigrette dressing you enjoy to bring the flavor factor to life.
Eggs, Beans, and Greens Nourish Meal
Enjoy this Nourish Meal as a savory breakfast, a quick lunch, or for dinner. The dressing and meal components make this such a versatile template to follow that it seems a bit silly to call this a recipe.
We use eggs in this recipe as the protein source, but you can also use tempeh or tofu if you’d like a vegan version. In addition, if you don’t have lettuces or dark leafy greens on hand, simply utilize any vegetable and prepare it how you enjoy it most (i.e. steamed, cooked, roasted, etc.) as the salad dressings go well with any non-starchy carbohydrate.
Additionally, use whatever bean variety you enjoy or have on hand — we used black beans for this recipe as pictured, but the possibilities are endless. One note about beans in this recipe is to utilize either already prepared/cooked dried beans or well-rinsed canned beans. Otherwise, if you’re cooking dried
The post Foundational Five Eggs, Beans, and Greens Nourish Meal appeared first on Top Seller Website.
* This article was originally published herehttp://topsellers.website